
When I was 18, I was 5'7 and weighed 120lbs. I'd spent my entire life eating whatever I wanted, exercising only when forced, and generally not giving a second thought to weight gain or body image. I figured I'd made it through puberty with no boobs, hips or butt to speak of, and while I sometimes wished I had a little more "curve", I was pretty content with myself.
Then, hormones happened.
In the space of 6 months I gained 30lbs, most of it in the aforementioned boobs, hips and butt, and then spent the next 12 years yoyo-ing up and down the weight scale (mostly up) while fighting those ubiquitous enemies of good intentions: Motivation and Accountability. I've had to deal with some pretty major self image issues, trying to reconcile the image I formed of myself when I was a teenager with the image I see in the mirror today. I'm never going to be that 120lb girl again, and I've finally reached a point where I don't want to be, but neither am I going to allow myself to keep getting bigger and bigger, and less healthy. It's time for a change!
Course, I've said this exact same thing many times over the years. So what's different now? Well, for starters, motivation. In 7 months, I need to fit into my wedding dress. And instead of just relying on the magic of corset backs and clever photography angles, I actually want to look good. To feel good.
Then there's accountability. That's where Sam and Andrea come in. The three of us are going to work together on this, to keep each other accountable, to keep eachother motivated, and more than anything, to support eachother and make this all feel just a teensy bit easier.
In short, we're gonna rockstar the crap out of this.

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