Friday 20 March 2015

These tortoises are going to win the race

Ah yes, the mid-month slump. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it seems like every time we hit the mid-month post, at least one, if not all three of us is lamenting some kind of breakdown in our efforts for the week. It was a tough one for all of us, as I mentioned in our last post, with the trip to Victoria and ridiculous amount of food that was enjoyed there. Despite that, we’ve all got right back on the wagon (more or less) and not letting one weekend of indulgence throw us too much for a loop.
Then the other day, I was lamenting the fact that I’ve *only* lost 13lbs to the Jedi Council, when Sam kindly reminded me that it’s a normal amount of weight to have lost in the time that we’ve been going.  Which serves as a reminder, I think, that even though we’ve all made some missteps (as any normal person will), along the way, we’re only 11 weeks into our adventures in healthier living. Change is happening, and habits are being built, but we’re tortoises here, not hares, the race will be won, but it’s going to take some time.

I'm going to chalk this past week up to divine intervention. Miraculous miracles, perhaps. Maybe even Nargles. Cause really, how else do I explain the fact that I've lost a whole 4lbs this week? I mean, do you know what I ATE this week?? Do you?
Last Friday was my wedding dress fitting, and I foolishly skipped breakfast due to nerves and oversleeping. I gotta say, standing perfectly still and square for 2 hours while a lady pins your dress for hemming is NOT something you want to do on an empty stomach. So of course, when we went for lunch afterwards, I was starving and ate a whole lot of junk I shouldn't have. Ok, one meal, no biggie. But then I went out for dinner with my bestie, and it was Thai food. I love Thai food. Oh dear.
Also, I love my Mother dearly, but she is blessed with that motherly gene that says "everyone must be starving", and visits with her involve endless amounts of eating. Saturday morning was hot cross buns and eggs, and then she fed my friends and I a huge lunch "just in case", because next was my bridal shower....where there was more food. Lots more food. At one point our lovely hostess announced it was time for dessert, and I just started giggling. There might have been some hysteria there. How could there be more food? How? And it was all SO good.
So good.
So, anyway, I'd been avoiding the scale since this weekend. I figured I'd give myself a couple days of normal eating so the number wouldn't so terrifying. You can imagine my shock when I discovered I was down 3lbs, and then this morning when I was down another 1lb. What in the world is going on??

Unicorns. I'm blaming unicorns.

Gluttonous Sloth. That has been me for the past week. Well, that may be a tad of an exaggeration, but compared to the last two months or so, it sure feels like I've been a gluttonous sloth. I've been on holidays from work this week, and I also took a bit of a break from over scheduling myself. I've still been busy every day of my holiday, but I've also slept in every day and eaten what I've felt like eating. Next week I'm back to work and will get back to my running and eating healthier, but for the rest of the weekend, I'm taking a break and not worrying about anything.

I really, honestly, and truly do want to get back into strengthening up all these muscles that are hiding beneath my generally soft appearance. I mean how else am I going to be able to do try parkour if I can't even do more than 4 push-ups? And I really want to try parkour folks. It may seem a strange aspiration, but I’m a bit strange.
Other than my lack of progress in the above mentioned strength areas, I've been pretty dang on track! I’m still trying to work out what the best running route is around my new place, I feel like it’s going to be a bit more trial and error, until I really figure it out. I really miss my graveyard folks. It was my absolute favourite place to run.
I know I’ve said it on the blog before, but I think this will have to be the week that I give up some of my lunch time walkies (yes, we’re apparently dogs now) with Craig (from and hit up the ol’ work gym. I mean, it’s here, it’s free, and I should be using it. I guess it would help if I remembered to bring my workout gear to work as well…*enters several reminders into her phone in an effort to make technology help her workout*

Monday 16 March 2015

We're Marching on

Yes. I know. I said I was going to be more on top of things, and get these posted on Fridays like they're supposed to be (since it's #FitnessFriday!). Today is Monday, not Friday. Mea culpa. HOWEVER! If it's any consolation, the entire Jedi Council was over on the Iron Island (Victoria, for the non-Game of Thrones fans) getting our wedding shower on for a certain Council member, and THAT'S why this post is late. 
Also, to get it out of the way, so we don't have to dwell on it come this week's post, yes, there was a LOT of food. And yes, we ate a LOT of said food. That being said, I don't feel too terrible about that. Over the past couple of months all three of us have worked damned hard, built some great new habits, and said no to a lot of things in the meantime. Which is why I think this weekend felt like such a treat. And as Tom and Donna say...

Sure, we may have overindulged, but if you're the type of person who can be presented with as much wonderful food as we were and still say no, then good for you, you have far greater willpower than the three of us. But if you're like us, then the most important thing is, that after weekend like that, to get right back on plan. I know I am, and I'm certain the other ladies of the Council are doing the same. 
I have one other fun little tidbit to add in before we get to the individual updates. A little over a week ago I wore a dress that I love to work, only to promptly realise after arriving that this dress was now definitely too big for me. I lamented to the Council, 'cause I love this dress and was sad I wouldn't be able to wear it anymore. (This is one of the things they don't tell you when you start losing weight, a lot of the clothes you love are going to stop fitting you, and it's going to be both exciting and super annoying) Three VERY different responses came out of the conversation re: the dress. After debating with myself, I suggested donating it to goodwill, so someone could enjoy it as much as I had. Kate, ever practical, suggested getting it taken in, so I could continue to enjoy it. Sam, on the other hand, had a completely different approach. Burn it. Torch it in a symbolic gesture of some kind. 
Sam found this very entertaining, Kate's practical, I'm generous, and she's....a pyro?

Sam: (March 13)
After a weekend away I'm back to eating better. Over the weekend I let myself have a number of goodies that I have been missing for the past two months (note ~ while they did taste good, I sure didn't feel very good after, my stomach was quite unhappy with me). I've been quite busy this week with life stuff so I haven't had the chance to go out for any runs, but I'm off for a week from week next week, so I've been planning on getting back at it then, just not at 5am anymore. 5am just plain sucked, I was just too tired all the time and I figure 2-3 workouts per week is a nice amount, and I can fit that into my schedule at a more reasonable time of day.

Andrea: (March 16)
I'm writing this after the weekend of indulgence, but I still have lots of progress to share!
Last week, I finally started running again. With the craziness of my move it's been a struggle to get back into that routine. I found a 'route' that works, but I need to rework it since, at the moment, it's running back and forth along two streets. So boring. I miss my graveyard so much you guys! However, despite the evil hill at the end, I'm going to try a new route that takes me down to the water, it should be a nice change of pace, and I expect, some excellent photo opportunities as well.
I'm trying a new app, the Nike Training Centre. I already use the Nike Running app, and enjoy it, so I thought I'd give their training app a go as well. It has a 4 week, 3 different workouts per week, training schedule for beginners (which I still feel like I am) that I'm going to try out. I'll definitely update on whether it's awesome or not as I work through it!

Kate: (March 13)
March is going well!

I've been really good with my desserts this week (to the point of agonizing to the Jedi Council over putting a teensy bit of sugar on some strawberries), and I've been getting out and walking in the sunshine. I think the spring weather has made everything so much easier, because really, who doesn't like walking through a shower of cherry blossoms?
I'm beginning to learn that exercise doesn't have to be arduous and that simple things like the smell of flowers, or a pretty day, can really make the difference in whether or not I'm willing to get out there and do my thang. 

And maybe I'll need to do a little more of my "thang" next week in penance, cause I just remembered that this weekend is my bridal shower and I've been told there will be chocolate. Oh dear.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Let's March!

It's been two months. TWO MONTHS! I can hardly believe it! And with those two months under our belts, it's time for some serious re-evaluation. What's working? What isn't? If you remember from my section of the post last week, things hadn't been working so hot in February, which lead me to declare March to be time to respawn. 
"In video games respawning is the recreation of an entity after its death or destruction, perhaps after losing one of its lives."
From the looks of Kate's post, she's also taking a new tact for March, even Sam's coming at her goals from a little bit of a different viewpoint this month. This is, for me at least, the only way to succeed in video games, and in life. If something's not working, re-evaluate and come at it from another angle. 
No specific over-arching goals for the Jedi Council this month. March is a chance to re-evaluate and find new ways to succeed. 'Cause we're going to, even if we have to respawn a few more times.

Oh March! I hope you're ready for me! February may have knocked me down, but I'm back up and raring to go. 
I'm rehashing my goals, and trying to make them more specific (most importantly, inputting them into my calendar, making them appointments with myself, I've long said "If it's not in my calendar, it's not happening.") Firstly, no more steps goals. I can't remember the last time I had less than 10,000 steps in a day, and I've just moved to a new place that is a half-hour walk from work. Let's just say that this isn't going to be a problem, and therefore no longer a goal that needs to be achieved - I'm totally there.
Running. In the midst of my not-so-great February I completely fell off my Zombie 5K training. Now that I've moved, I'm ready to start up again, hopefully I should be able to finish the training in time for the Sun Run on April 19th. So the new goal is to follow my schedule of running 3 times a week.
Eating. While my diet wasn't too terrible in February, now that my kitchen's unpacked at my new place, it's time to get back into eating properly. One of the things I've rediscovered in this two months is how much I enjoy cooking. There's nothing quite like throwing a bunch of ingredients together and having a delicious things come out the other side. Like this frittata. You guys, I love frittata. 
Strength training. This is the big one. The one I've fallen down on the most since we've started. I try to find time in my schedule to work out, but for some reason, unlike running, it doesn't seem to work. So, I've told my lunchtime walking buddy (Craig from that I'm going to be abandoning him 2-3 lunches a week and using the gym in our office to workout. 
Those are my respawn plans for March. Well, the fitness respawn goals. I'm also respawning some personal goals; such as making sure that these posts go out on Fridays, like they're supposed to, and restarting my Movie Monday posts, as well finishing up my series. Oh March, we're going to have fun, you and I.

Hey there March! I've gotta say, I'm feeling pretty good about you. I'll be the first to admit that I went into February with a bit of a defeatist mindset. I was expecting it to be tough work, and painful, and I wasn't truly expecting to succeed. This is a pretty typical strategy for me - set myself up for failure, so when I do fail, I can say "see? I knew I couldn't do it."
Well, no more!
March is round two of the fitness quests, and this time I'm pumped. I figure if having a poor attitude and not trying as hard as I should have got me as far as it did in February, I can do wonders with just a little more will power. So....
The gym! I'm buying another rec center pass. Having it in my wallet and knowing I could go anytime I wanted and it was already paid for was actually really helpful. Even if I only felt like I could go for 15 minutes, I didn't feel like I was wasting a punch card or blowing my money. This month I'm going to aim to go to the gym twice a week, and do an hour of exercise while there. If I go 3 times a week, awesome. But no pressure.
The great outdoors! Spring is truly here in Vancouver, and I'm not going to waste it! Once a week I need to get out and do some fresh air exercise. Walking, biking, or swimming (though probably not yet!) are all valid.
No more just desserts! I need to curb my sweet tooth. I did pretty well in January, but February saw me sneaking back into the chocolate again, and that just won't do. So, I only get one sugary treat a week. I know Sam has been following that rule and I feel like emulating Sam in this whole endeavour is probably a pretty safe bet.
So, March...let's do it! I'm excited!

After a very intense two months of diet and exercise I gave myself permission to take a week off. While I haven't succumbed going big back to my old eating habits I have been less strict this week about what I've been eating this week. I also thought I needed a short break from my 5am runs. I sure was right I no longer feel that bone level weary exhaustion I was having.
As I am now in Calgary on a mini-holiday (I came here to watch curling event; The Tim Hortons Brier) I am giving myself until Monday when I return to continue being a little lax in my eating and exercise. Although that means I'm not getting up for me 5am runs, I haven't given up in exercise entirely. I just got back from a quick workout at the gym in the hotel where I just discovered that Running on a treadmill is WAY easier than running outside. This was my first workout in a gym since I started on the running path.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Fitness February: Post Mortem

Remember way back at the beginning of February, when the Jedi Council announced that we were going to be selfish and make sure we put fitness first in February?
Well, some of us (coughSamcough) were far more successful at this than others. However, having that idea of it being ‘Fitness February’ definitely did help us be more active than we would probably normally be during the second month of the year. (Although, being on the currently gorgeous, and non-snow inundated, West Coast was probably also a contributing factor.) However, as it often does, life reared its (sometimes) ugly head this month and got in the way (for some of us, and by some I mean mostly me). Maybe if we were further along, and more entrenched in our goals it would’ve been easier to keep the ‘fitness first’ going. But, unfortunately (for me, at least) it was the first thing to fall by the wayside.
And on that not-so-inspiring note, here are this month’s updates!
February has been fitness month, and I sure took Andrea’s challenge to heart. I’ve only missed one scheduled day of exercise (which I plan on making up this weekend) and have even done extra days of exercise. I’m just about half-way through the Zombie Run 5K training app. Three times a week I complete the challenges in the app as I am slowing learning to run. In addition to this, I have also been going for another run or bike ride at least once a week and have attended a couple of spin classes. So for February Fit month, I have gone from practically no exercise to exercising 4-5 times per week. I’m exhausted. Like, utterly and completely exhausted. To top off the new exercise regime, I am still curling one day a week and have school another day a week. I can’t stay up a late as I used to and I’m so far behind on all of the TV shows that I watch I may never catch up. Reading, well I’ve still managed to keep that up a bit, by sheer force of will. Being in bed and asleep by 10pm is now a common occurrence. Coffee is my friend. It has been a recovery week on the Zombie run app, and for that I’m grateful. All of my muscle aches are starting to go away, which is nice since I’ve been sore since the beginning of the month. I wonder what next week has in store for me?
This time it's my turn to make the update late! Sorry, Jedi - That damn life thing happened again.
February has been an interesting month for me, and overall I'm surprisingly pleased with how it's gone. I say surprising because I didn't actually accomplish any of my goals. I didn't go to the gym enough to make the pass worth it (though I went far more often than I would have without that incentive), and I got lazy about my stretching and really only did it 2-3 times per week. Still....that's 2-3 times per week more than I was doing in January.
I also only made an average of 9000 steps per day on my pedometer, but again....better than I had been doing.
So, no...I didn't make any of my goals, and yet just the act of having those goals in the first place got me out and being active, and doing more than I otherwise would have. The scale is finally starting to reflect that, and overall I'm ok with February. Now it's onwards to March, and to keeping these same goals. Let's see how I do with some practice under my belt!
Oh February! How you slipped through my fingers. Things were going well, I was super on track. Then vertigo made an unpleasant visit, I made it through that only to have my landlord’s sell my house and let me know that the new owners wanted vacant occupancy, which means a hunt for a new place was in order. I hate making excuses, but life really made it hard this month. I’ll be honest, I didn’t eat terribly well, and my planned workouts suffered.
 However, that’s enough of the ‘oh woe is me’! My vertigo is gone, and I moved into my new place this weekend (also contributing to the lateness of this post), which means it’s time to RESPAWN! For the last two weeks the video game called life kept battering at me until I finally ‘died’. And what do you do when you die in a video game? You respawn and try again with the lessons you learned during your downfall!
It’s time to rehash my goals, learn from my mistakes and take on March like a MOFO! I’M COMING FOR YOU MAAAAARCH!!!!
If Master Chief can respawn, then so can I!