Friday 6 February 2015

February Mini-Update!

Here's a little update on how the beginning of our February of Fitness is going! 
This week has been a great example of real life intruding on your plans (those oh so idealistic things) and saying "oh you think so, do you?" I've recently started on a medication known for causing side effects of sleepiness (wanna go for a walk? no?), and major GI upset (Pro: eating less. Con: still don't want to go for a walk), and then I decided to spend 7 of the first 14 days of this month out of town.
Still, I can't help but feel that these are the kinds of things that goals are made for. It's easy to follow your plans when everything is going smoothly, but it takes dedication to do it when it's not easy! Am I dedicated? Well....somewhat. I've done my 10 minutes of stretching every day, and I'm already noticing that it's starting to feel a little easier. I've not been averaging 12000 steps, but I'm sitting at 9000, which isn't so bad. I haven't made it to the gym yet, but I have put all my scheduled gym days in my calendar so I know when I am going to go.
All in all, I'd say I'm telling real life to suck it.
There is something fundamentally wrong about being awake for three hours before you even start work.  Especially when you start work at 8:00am.  This is now my life?  What did I sign up for?  I am glad that I only have to get up at 4:30am twice a week.  Thankfully my third mandatory run of the week can be a bit later in the morning, and any other exercise I might do on my non-running days will not be at 5am.  Things I have noticed on my 5am runs:  It’s dark.  Like really dark.  Like so dark I feel like I must have been captured by the Vashta Nerada (hey, who turned out the lights?)  It’s also cold and foggy and wet and quiet.  No one else is running at this time.  The cars on the road are very limited and I might only see one or two other people walking their dogs, but that’s about it for human life.  This can be somewhat disconcerting as the zombie noises coming from my Zombie Run app can make the imagination run a little bit wild.
It’s official, I’m in love with spaghetti squash. I cooked it for myself last night for the first time, and it’s amazing.

Apart from fun new recipes, I’m also cleaning up in the steps department. My UP band is trying really hard to convince me I should up my goal to 13,000 since I regularly hit that, I haven’t yet, but we’ll see. It also means that I’m almost in Rivendell. I’m doing the Eowyn Walk to Mordor challenge. That’s right, someone mapped out how many KMs it took Frodo and company to walk to Mordor and back and made a challenge out of it. Let me tell you, those hobbits walked WAY more than me. I should finally hit this first milestone of Rivendell on the weekend, and then on to Lothlorien! 
I’m also doing the Zombies 5k training, although I’m not up at 4:30 for my runs, usually 6-6:30, a much more reasonable time, not nearly as dark, although I do get to run through a graveyard…
Yup, I’m totally keeping February Fit!

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