Monday 16 February 2015

Dear body, you're awesome.

This post was supposed to go up on Friday, but then that thing called life got in the way for me, and since I'm the one doing the posting, it all fell apart a little. So, many apologies to my Council (who are amazing during life crises FYI, not just health/fitness encouragement). Nonetheless here's our 'Valentine's Post' for the Jedi Council.
Since it's Valentine's Day on Saturday, I've challenged the Jedi Council to find something about our bodies that we've grown to love, or loving something you can do now that you couldn't do 6 weeks ago when we began. To be fair, knowing the ladies Jedi, I was sure they'd come up with something poignant and lovely. I wasn't far off. Kate and Sam wrote very different pieces for this update, one short and concise, and one long and proud. Even though I'm the one who suggested the challenge, I find myself struggling with it, I don't know if I quite thought it through, having to find something to love. We live in a society that's constantly bombarding us with images of tiny, happy, girls, trying to convince us it's the ideal. However, I was reminded that ideals are constantly changing when I watched this video that Buzzfeed put together in January, tracking beauty ideals over the course of history.

Let me just people, if I'd lived in the Italian Renaissance, I would have been the talk of the town. Yup this little video is a nice reminder that 'ideal' is a fluid thing, ever changing, just like me. Just like you!


There was a time that if you'd asked me to carry something, I would have internally balked, and then shot out a joke about my 'weak baby bird arms' and then do my best to help carry whatever needed to be carried. Now I'm stronger than I've ever been, ready, eager and willing to lift heavy things. I've learned that my body can do things that I didn't think it could, which is kind of amazing. I'm still not an amazing runner, but I'm working on it. 
This week's been a bit of a set back in that area with the unwelcome appearance of vertigo in my life. BPPV (bening paroxysmal positional vertigo) makes the world feel like it's spinning, and makes everything seem a little off kilter. Workouts became a no-no and running was off the list until I could be sure that I wouldn't trip over my own feet. 
However, on the upside, here at the end of the first 6 weeks of our little experiment, I'm down 13lbs. True it's not the 15 I'd aimed for, but it's pretty dang close. On top of that I was extremely pleased to find that I can fit into Old Navy pants. I don't know if you've ever tried on their pants, but they fit small. It's been annoying...until now.
All these little things are constant reminders that I'm able to do more and achieve more than I maybe once thought I could. So, what I think I love about my body is that I have it. And that it works, (most of the time) and that I'm learning to use it better. I saw Kingsman: Secret Service on the weekends, and my desire to be able to Parkour has been reignited. It's a lofty (very lofty) goal, but maybe one day, with some serious work, I'll get there. 

For this weekly update, Andrea challenged us to find something about our bodies that we'd grown to love. It's been surprisingly hard to write this update, because I'm just not used to thinking of my body in terms of approval or satisfaction. I spend far more time focusing on what's wrong with it, even when I know how unhealthy a mindset that is. So, thanks Andrea! Time to send my body a valentine.
Dear Body,
The thing I've grown to love most about you is how resilient you are. This week has involved a fair bit of increased activity and exercise, and you've handled it with a minimum of complaints. Aside from the occasional tendency to sprain ankles, you've been remarkably good at keeping injuries to a minimum, and even when our inner ear makes poor life choices, you pick yourself back up and don't even bruise. You handle pretty much anything I throw at you, and for that, I love you.
Since it’s Valentine’s day on Saturday, Andrea has challenged us to write about learning to love our bodies or loving something we can do now that we couldn’t do 6 weeks ago when we started this new adventure. What I love now is that my clothes are starting to fit better, and now I can even wear some articles of clothing that had just gotten too small over the last year. One article of clothing in particular is a jacket. A few years ago I volunteered for a curling event (The Continental Cup) and as part of the volunteer package, I got a nice blue jacket. This jacket was perfect, not too hot, not too cold. It has been a staple article of clothing. Last year I grew out of the jacket and was unable to wear it. Well, this past weekend I tried it on, and guess what? It fits! On Wednesday I wore it to curling for the first time in a year. I was sure that it would be a winning game, (It wasn’t). Despite not actually winning the game, it sure felt good to have that jacket on, like all was becoming right in the world again. The other thing that I have noticed that I love is one of my winter jackets that I recently purchased is now just too big. I look silly in it. It’s awesome that it no longer fits, but in some ways I feel that I just wasted the money on that jacket. C’est La Vie. I guess that a good complaint though.
Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated; to get up for those early morning runs, or the late morning runs, or the exercise of any kind, but I’ve surprised myself and discovered that once my grumbling is done about the morning or the leaving of my house I’m actually enjoying learning to run. The app that I’ve been using (Zombie Run 5K) is definitely a big help.. The uniqueness of the app with their zombie survival story has helped me stay motivate. The other thing that helps me get up and out there are old pictures of myself. Last month I noticed people on facebook posting their very first profile picture. I took a look at mine and almost didn’t recognize myself. This weight thing has been a challenge for many years, and despite my setback over the last year, I have made so many positive changes over the last few years, eating healthier and exercising etc, that is can sometimes be hard to see where I started from. Looking at that old profile picture reminded me that I can do this thing. I can get up early, I can go for my runs, I can put in extra workouts, I can stay away from the chocolate and chips. This time around, It sure is nice to be going through this journey with Andrea and Kate. Being able to send them a picture of the giant Valentine’s Day cookie platter that just arrived in my office as yet another temptation sure helps me keep from breaking down and eating one (or two or three) of these cookies. There isn’t trying any more to make this work. It’s doing that counts.

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