Friday 20 March 2015

These tortoises are going to win the race

Ah yes, the mid-month slump. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it seems like every time we hit the mid-month post, at least one, if not all three of us is lamenting some kind of breakdown in our efforts for the week. It was a tough one for all of us, as I mentioned in our last post, with the trip to Victoria and ridiculous amount of food that was enjoyed there. Despite that, we’ve all got right back on the wagon (more or less) and not letting one weekend of indulgence throw us too much for a loop.
Then the other day, I was lamenting the fact that I’ve *only* lost 13lbs to the Jedi Council, when Sam kindly reminded me that it’s a normal amount of weight to have lost in the time that we’ve been going.  Which serves as a reminder, I think, that even though we’ve all made some missteps (as any normal person will), along the way, we’re only 11 weeks into our adventures in healthier living. Change is happening, and habits are being built, but we’re tortoises here, not hares, the race will be won, but it’s going to take some time.

I'm going to chalk this past week up to divine intervention. Miraculous miracles, perhaps. Maybe even Nargles. Cause really, how else do I explain the fact that I've lost a whole 4lbs this week? I mean, do you know what I ATE this week?? Do you?
Last Friday was my wedding dress fitting, and I foolishly skipped breakfast due to nerves and oversleeping. I gotta say, standing perfectly still and square for 2 hours while a lady pins your dress for hemming is NOT something you want to do on an empty stomach. So of course, when we went for lunch afterwards, I was starving and ate a whole lot of junk I shouldn't have. Ok, one meal, no biggie. But then I went out for dinner with my bestie, and it was Thai food. I love Thai food. Oh dear.
Also, I love my Mother dearly, but she is blessed with that motherly gene that says "everyone must be starving", and visits with her involve endless amounts of eating. Saturday morning was hot cross buns and eggs, and then she fed my friends and I a huge lunch "just in case", because next was my bridal shower....where there was more food. Lots more food. At one point our lovely hostess announced it was time for dessert, and I just started giggling. There might have been some hysteria there. How could there be more food? How? And it was all SO good.
So good.
So, anyway, I'd been avoiding the scale since this weekend. I figured I'd give myself a couple days of normal eating so the number wouldn't so terrifying. You can imagine my shock when I discovered I was down 3lbs, and then this morning when I was down another 1lb. What in the world is going on??

Unicorns. I'm blaming unicorns.

Gluttonous Sloth. That has been me for the past week. Well, that may be a tad of an exaggeration, but compared to the last two months or so, it sure feels like I've been a gluttonous sloth. I've been on holidays from work this week, and I also took a bit of a break from over scheduling myself. I've still been busy every day of my holiday, but I've also slept in every day and eaten what I've felt like eating. Next week I'm back to work and will get back to my running and eating healthier, but for the rest of the weekend, I'm taking a break and not worrying about anything.

I really, honestly, and truly do want to get back into strengthening up all these muscles that are hiding beneath my generally soft appearance. I mean how else am I going to be able to do try parkour if I can't even do more than 4 push-ups? And I really want to try parkour folks. It may seem a strange aspiration, but I’m a bit strange.
Other than my lack of progress in the above mentioned strength areas, I've been pretty dang on track! I’m still trying to work out what the best running route is around my new place, I feel like it’s going to be a bit more trial and error, until I really figure it out. I really miss my graveyard folks. It was my absolute favourite place to run.
I know I’ve said it on the blog before, but I think this will have to be the week that I give up some of my lunch time walkies (yes, we’re apparently dogs now) with Craig (from and hit up the ol’ work gym. I mean, it’s here, it’s free, and I should be using it. I guess it would help if I remembered to bring my workout gear to work as well…*enters several reminders into her phone in an effort to make technology help her workout*

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