Monday 16 March 2015

We're Marching on

Yes. I know. I said I was going to be more on top of things, and get these posted on Fridays like they're supposed to be (since it's #FitnessFriday!). Today is Monday, not Friday. Mea culpa. HOWEVER! If it's any consolation, the entire Jedi Council was over on the Iron Island (Victoria, for the non-Game of Thrones fans) getting our wedding shower on for a certain Council member, and THAT'S why this post is late. 
Also, to get it out of the way, so we don't have to dwell on it come this week's post, yes, there was a LOT of food. And yes, we ate a LOT of said food. That being said, I don't feel too terrible about that. Over the past couple of months all three of us have worked damned hard, built some great new habits, and said no to a lot of things in the meantime. Which is why I think this weekend felt like such a treat. And as Tom and Donna say...

Sure, we may have overindulged, but if you're the type of person who can be presented with as much wonderful food as we were and still say no, then good for you, you have far greater willpower than the three of us. But if you're like us, then the most important thing is, that after weekend like that, to get right back on plan. I know I am, and I'm certain the other ladies of the Council are doing the same. 
I have one other fun little tidbit to add in before we get to the individual updates. A little over a week ago I wore a dress that I love to work, only to promptly realise after arriving that this dress was now definitely too big for me. I lamented to the Council, 'cause I love this dress and was sad I wouldn't be able to wear it anymore. (This is one of the things they don't tell you when you start losing weight, a lot of the clothes you love are going to stop fitting you, and it's going to be both exciting and super annoying) Three VERY different responses came out of the conversation re: the dress. After debating with myself, I suggested donating it to goodwill, so someone could enjoy it as much as I had. Kate, ever practical, suggested getting it taken in, so I could continue to enjoy it. Sam, on the other hand, had a completely different approach. Burn it. Torch it in a symbolic gesture of some kind. 
Sam found this very entertaining, Kate's practical, I'm generous, and she's....a pyro?

Sam: (March 13)
After a weekend away I'm back to eating better. Over the weekend I let myself have a number of goodies that I have been missing for the past two months (note ~ while they did taste good, I sure didn't feel very good after, my stomach was quite unhappy with me). I've been quite busy this week with life stuff so I haven't had the chance to go out for any runs, but I'm off for a week from week next week, so I've been planning on getting back at it then, just not at 5am anymore. 5am just plain sucked, I was just too tired all the time and I figure 2-3 workouts per week is a nice amount, and I can fit that into my schedule at a more reasonable time of day.

Andrea: (March 16)
I'm writing this after the weekend of indulgence, but I still have lots of progress to share!
Last week, I finally started running again. With the craziness of my move it's been a struggle to get back into that routine. I found a 'route' that works, but I need to rework it since, at the moment, it's running back and forth along two streets. So boring. I miss my graveyard so much you guys! However, despite the evil hill at the end, I'm going to try a new route that takes me down to the water, it should be a nice change of pace, and I expect, some excellent photo opportunities as well.
I'm trying a new app, the Nike Training Centre. I already use the Nike Running app, and enjoy it, so I thought I'd give their training app a go as well. It has a 4 week, 3 different workouts per week, training schedule for beginners (which I still feel like I am) that I'm going to try out. I'll definitely update on whether it's awesome or not as I work through it!

Kate: (March 13)
March is going well!

I've been really good with my desserts this week (to the point of agonizing to the Jedi Council over putting a teensy bit of sugar on some strawberries), and I've been getting out and walking in the sunshine. I think the spring weather has made everything so much easier, because really, who doesn't like walking through a shower of cherry blossoms?
I'm beginning to learn that exercise doesn't have to be arduous and that simple things like the smell of flowers, or a pretty day, can really make the difference in whether or not I'm willing to get out there and do my thang. 

And maybe I'll need to do a little more of my "thang" next week in penance, cause I just remembered that this weekend is my bridal shower and I've been told there will be chocolate. Oh dear.

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