Sunday 19 April 2015

The Jedi Council loves Star Wars

I bet after taking our little break, and then being all introspective last week you thought that this week’s blog intro was all going to be about how we’ve built on last week and are back in the swing of things, making progress and blah, blah, blah.
It was.
And then this happened.

And then we, all three of us, FREAKED THE HELL OUT WITH EXCITEMENT! I mean, there’s a reason this little adventure in health is called ‘A New Hope’ and we refer to ourselves as the Jedi Council!
So, now that we’ve all watched that trailer again (for the 40th or 50th time), let’s get down to the business at hand.

Well March is over and now April is almost half over? Where on earth does the time go? Wibbly Wobbly I guess. The Sun Run is fastly approaching (this weekend) and I'm looking forward to it, however woefully underprepared I am. I've done the Sun Run once before, and I know that I will do a lot better this time and with Andrea by my side, we will at least have some fun while doing it. Now what should I put on my Sun Run play list? 

More than anything, I really spent the last week refocusing on the ‘you can’t outrun your fork’ concept. My lovely mother was in town last week, and as much as I love her, we really don’t eat great when she’s here. We spend all of our time out adventuring, and that leaves little time for cooking a good, healthy meal.
 This week, I made some Scotch eggs, they’re tasty, but didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted. I’m not generally a fan of hard-boiled eggs, and definitely didn’t know how long to boil them for, thus breaking a few along the way. Slight kitchen disasters aside, I’ve found having a protein-rich breakfast has really helped bolster my willpower throughout the rest of the day. I don’t know what kind of Jedi mind trick I’m pulling on myself, but it’s making me feel pretty awesome.
Finally, (and unbelievably) the Vancouver Sun Run is this weekend. And I’m so not ready. Luckily I’ll have Sam with me to make it a fun experience. I figure, no matter how long it takes me this year, I’ll have a time to try and beat next year. In fact, just making it TO the race this year is better than last year. Last year at this time I was informed by a doctor that I had walking pneumonia. When I jokingly said, “I guess I shouldn’t do the Sun Run on Sunday then.”  He immediately responded with, “Don’t do that. No, definitely not.” So, I’m taking it as a win! Just need to fill up a playlist and try and outsmart Vancouver weather with whatever I decide to wear.

Hello, spring! I feel like it's actually here this time. No really. All this gorgeous sun, the flowers blooming, the way the air smells.....I don't think this one is a trick! So, accordingly, I've started my new "walk to work" initiative. I just transitioned to working 5 days a week, and work is 5.9km from home. Walking all of it every day is a bit daunting, so I've sectioned off the middle bit and given myself permission to take the bus through that part if I need to. So far I haven't walked the whole thing yet (I also transitioned to starting work at 8am. There's only so early I can handle in the morning, guys, jeez), but I have been averaging 3.5km every morning. And damn does it feel good! What a fantastic way to start out my day and get me on the right track to good decisions, right from the get go. Between the extra exercise, and the novelty of actually delivering oxygen to my poor body while sleeping, I've been full of energy and positive vibes this whole past week, and I love it!
And on a totally non - health note, that new Star Wars trailer? Yeah, not hurting this mood any.
We ARE The Jedi Council, after all.

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