Wednesday 6 May 2015

We are busy people

I don’t want to brag but the ladies of the Jedi Council are not only the type of people who try to make positive changes in their lives, but sometimes they’re also so GODDAMN busy that writing a coherent sentence is an impossibility. Or at least that’s the excuse I’m going with for this ridiculously late blog post (after accidentally skipping a week of posting…) First we were waiting on Kate, then it came down to me throwing it all together and putting it out and I just so dang busy that that didn’t happen until now…Luckily Sam’s usually on top of things, one of us should be semi-responsible.


I am such a slacker.

Holy crap, I have been so bad at this! I mean, I know the whole jedi council has been a little hit or miss on updating lately, but I gotta say, a lot of the lateness falls squarely on me. I can partially blame it on abruptly switching to a much busier and bigger work schedule, but I also have to admit my own slack-ass nature had something to do with it.

I apologize!

That said, this has been a pretty good couple of weeks. I've continued with my "walk to work" initiative, and while I haven't really increased the distance yet, I'm still getting several km in every morning, which makes me feel good.
Morning Milkshake

I've also been getting back into green smoothies, and most mornings I'm making one for breakfast and drinking it as I walk. I've developed a habit of buying greens like sprout, mache, kale, and spinach when they're on sale, taking them home, and whirling them up in the blender with some water. I pour that lovely green liquid into ice cube trays and boom - easy green smoothie ingredients! I've kinda nailed it down to my favourite recipe, and while I can't give you amounts (measure stuff? Ain't nobody got time for that), this is what I'm using:

Milk kefir
ice cubes
frozen mango or pineapple
frozen kale
frozen green cubes
1 tbsp fruit syrup or jam

So tasty! So filling!


Achievement Unlocked! A couple of weeks ago Andrea and I completed the 31st Annual Vancouver 10 km Sun Run. Our official finishing time was one hour and fourty seven mins. It was really amazing to see the city (of Vancouver) from a different perspective. I’ve been everywhere we walked before, but it was always in a car or walking on the sidewalk, but seeing them from the middle of the road, gives you a different view of your home. There was a ton on random people just cheering on the runners. I think my favourite sign I saw was from this one girl that said "Way to go random strangers". I was a little bit sore for the few days after the Sun Run, but now a few weeks later I’m ready to go again. Our next marathon like activity will be the Mudderella up in Whistler in September. So I’ve got to find some monkey bars and re-learn how to use them. Apparently you forget how to swing on monkey bars once you leave the playground.


Oh hi there May. How the hell did you manage to sneak up on me? It was probably in between moving, being busy, doing the Sun Run with Sam, and generally being my busy self.

The Sun Run was one of the most fascinating experiences I’ve ever had. There’s nothing quite like feeling the energy of all your fellow Sun Runners, along with the folks along the side, cheering you on, well, it was all a bit surreal. It’s also a completely unique way to see Vancouver; from the middle of the road, not having to worry about traffic. It was amazing. My goal was to finish in less than two hours, and Sam and I finished in an hour forty-seven, so mission accomplished!

I’m not going to lie, the rest of my health endeavours have kind of fallen by the wayside. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I guess it means I need to dig back through my inventory of potions (yes, I’m always going to make this a video game reference) and find a way to strengthen my resolve and get back on track.
Sam & Andrea after the Sun Run 2015

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