Wednesday 4 March 2015

Fitness February: Post Mortem

Remember way back at the beginning of February, when the Jedi Council announced that we were going to be selfish and make sure we put fitness first in February?
Well, some of us (coughSamcough) were far more successful at this than others. However, having that idea of it being ‘Fitness February’ definitely did help us be more active than we would probably normally be during the second month of the year. (Although, being on the currently gorgeous, and non-snow inundated, West Coast was probably also a contributing factor.) However, as it often does, life reared its (sometimes) ugly head this month and got in the way (for some of us, and by some I mean mostly me). Maybe if we were further along, and more entrenched in our goals it would’ve been easier to keep the ‘fitness first’ going. But, unfortunately (for me, at least) it was the first thing to fall by the wayside.
And on that not-so-inspiring note, here are this month’s updates!
February has been fitness month, and I sure took Andrea’s challenge to heart. I’ve only missed one scheduled day of exercise (which I plan on making up this weekend) and have even done extra days of exercise. I’m just about half-way through the Zombie Run 5K training app. Three times a week I complete the challenges in the app as I am slowing learning to run. In addition to this, I have also been going for another run or bike ride at least once a week and have attended a couple of spin classes. So for February Fit month, I have gone from practically no exercise to exercising 4-5 times per week. I’m exhausted. Like, utterly and completely exhausted. To top off the new exercise regime, I am still curling one day a week and have school another day a week. I can’t stay up a late as I used to and I’m so far behind on all of the TV shows that I watch I may never catch up. Reading, well I’ve still managed to keep that up a bit, by sheer force of will. Being in bed and asleep by 10pm is now a common occurrence. Coffee is my friend. It has been a recovery week on the Zombie run app, and for that I’m grateful. All of my muscle aches are starting to go away, which is nice since I’ve been sore since the beginning of the month. I wonder what next week has in store for me?
This time it's my turn to make the update late! Sorry, Jedi - That damn life thing happened again.
February has been an interesting month for me, and overall I'm surprisingly pleased with how it's gone. I say surprising because I didn't actually accomplish any of my goals. I didn't go to the gym enough to make the pass worth it (though I went far more often than I would have without that incentive), and I got lazy about my stretching and really only did it 2-3 times per week. Still....that's 2-3 times per week more than I was doing in January.
I also only made an average of 9000 steps per day on my pedometer, but again....better than I had been doing.
So, no...I didn't make any of my goals, and yet just the act of having those goals in the first place got me out and being active, and doing more than I otherwise would have. The scale is finally starting to reflect that, and overall I'm ok with February. Now it's onwards to March, and to keeping these same goals. Let's see how I do with some practice under my belt!
Oh February! How you slipped through my fingers. Things were going well, I was super on track. Then vertigo made an unpleasant visit, I made it through that only to have my landlord’s sell my house and let me know that the new owners wanted vacant occupancy, which means a hunt for a new place was in order. I hate making excuses, but life really made it hard this month. I’ll be honest, I didn’t eat terribly well, and my planned workouts suffered.
 However, that’s enough of the ‘oh woe is me’! My vertigo is gone, and I moved into my new place this weekend (also contributing to the lateness of this post), which means it’s time to RESPAWN! For the last two weeks the video game called life kept battering at me until I finally ‘died’. And what do you do when you die in a video game? You respawn and try again with the lessons you learned during your downfall!
It’s time to rehash my goals, learn from my mistakes and take on March like a MOFO! I’M COMING FOR YOU MAAAAARCH!!!!
If Master Chief can respawn, then so can I!

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